

Here are a few points: * Speaks openly and clearly * Radiates inner peace and balance * Is attentive and relaxed * Has a relaxed facial expression and an open body language. * Listens more than speak * Is assertive without being arrogant * Can laugh about himself * Does not hesitate to apologize if he is wrong. * Acts respons…

What is something about human psychology that almost nobody knows?

  • Your physical pain, as well as fear and stress, can be relieved by holding the hand of someone you love;
  • People confess things during late night conversations; indeed, people are more honest when they are physically tired;
  • By exercising daily, your risk of catching a cold, the flu, or a serious form of infection drops dramatically (surely as a percentage of an average);
  • Even the illusion of progress is motivating;
  • People with low self-esteem are more likely to humiliate others;
  • Generally, intelligent people underestimate themselves, and ignorant people always consider themselves brilliant. (This is the Dunning-Kruger effect;)
  • About 80% of human conversations are complaints in a group;

Please put a positive message, I find it encouraging (if you are interested in the translation, please put a positive vote on the original answer ;) )

Thanks for reading!

Let's be humble; my ego won't be hurt if I accept help from others.

(NdT: If you ever want sources, I advise you to ask them to the original author).


What are daily good habits?


  1. Spending time with your loved ones.
  2. Writing three things that you are grateful for in the morning.
  3. Taking a cold shower.
  4. Scribbling down your thoughts and ideas in the journal.
  5. Meditating and exercising.
  6. Greeting at least one stranger on the street.
  7. Reading a book or newspaper.
  8. Planning in advance for the next day.
  9. Drinking 2 litres of water daily.
  10. Keeping the social media usage minimum.
  11. Laughing and making others laugh.
  12. Wearing neat and tidy clothes.
  13. Visualising your future and recalling your dreams before you fall asleep.
  14. Affirming good things about yourself.
  15. Getting adequate 6–7 hours of sleep.

Aakarsh Rauniyar


What facts of psychology are still fervently debated?

  • If you have more than one plan, the first one is less likely to work.
  • Yawning is contagious and can help us "unconsciously" connect with someone.
  • We care more about the tragedy of someone in particular than the tragedies of a plurality of strangers.
  • The beginning and the end are always easier to remember.
  • Something negative weighs 5 times more than something positive.
  • We'd rather be sure of something bad than uncertainty.
  • When we impose very strict rules on ourselves, we tend to break them more easily.
  • Sometimes we want to crush something cute because a feeling of aggression balances our positive feelings.
  • When other people disagree with something we think is obvious, we can end up thinking we're wrong.
  • Arguing rationally will not convince anyone. It is necessary to walk at the same time as the person, considering that he is the "wisdom holder" and little by little asking questions that are difficult to explain.
  • You are programmed to love the music you listened to in high school/college.
  • If we combine and make connections of facts, we can more easily remember several, without our working memory exceeding its limit.
  • Having and making too many choices every day can paralyze us.
  • When you feel you have little of something, you become obsessed with it.
  • If we weren't rewarded, we can convince ourselves that something boring was cool.
  • When an authority tells us something, we can lose our sense of morality.

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Why do some people lack self-confidence?

  1. Negligent parents. Having parents that weren’t there when you needed support.
  2. Disapproving parents. Never getting positive feedback as a child can leave you chasing approval from others.
  3. Physical insecurities. Not being able to fulfill society’s standards of what’s ‘good’.
  4. Past trauma. A person who was abused might believe they deserved it and that is detrimental to their self-worth.
  5. Anxiety and depression. These issues can hinder most areas of your life, and self-confidence is one of them.
  6. Bad friends. Having friends who are fake and manipulative.
  7. Negative self-talk. At some point, they developed this pattern and now it runs them.
  8. Comparing themselves. People tend to compare their chapter 2 with someone’s chapter 57. It’s irrational.


What's the best relationship advice you can give someone?


  1. Souls recognize each other by vibes, not by appearances.
  2. Successful relationships are two people sharing priorities.
  3. Sometimes you create your own heartbreaks through expectations.
  4. Opposites attract for single people, but not for those in a relationship.
  5. Don’t go back to less just because you are too impatient to wait for better.
  6. You’re not antisocial, you’re just selective. You deserve a selective dating app.
  7. Chasing people won’t make them stay.
  8. Distance can be your new response.
  9. Fall for a relationship, not a person.

You deserve healthy love.

Born to express, not to impress. Upvote if you like these advice.



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