What is something about human psychology that almost nobody knows?

  • Your physical pain, as well as fear and stress, can be relieved by holding the hand of someone you love;
  • People confess things during late night conversations; indeed, people are more honest when they are physically tired;
  • By exercising daily, your risk of catching a cold, the flu, or a serious form of infection drops dramatically (surely as a percentage of an average);
  • Even the illusion of progress is motivating;
  • People with low self-esteem are more likely to humiliate others;
  • Generally, intelligent people underestimate themselves, and ignorant people always consider themselves brilliant. (This is the Dunning-Kruger effect;)
  • About 80% of human conversations are complaints in a group;

Please put a positive message, I find it encouraging (if you are interested in the translation, please put a positive vote on the original answer ;) )

Thanks for reading!

Let's be humble; my ego won't be hurt if I accept help from others.

(NdT: If you ever want sources, I advise you to ask them to the original author).

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